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EMZ supports ONET on a new stage of its development

This new chapter will enable Onet to reinforce its engineering know-how within its business segments, to integrate new technologies in order to bring even more value added to its clients and to develop its international footprint. Onet is a family business founded in 1860 and is the historical leader in France in the cleaning sector, as well as being a…

EMZ renews its confidence in the management of Groupe Carso

Bruno Schnepp, CEO of the Group, performs a new management-sponsored transaction backed by a pool of financial investors. Carso is a provider of bioanalytical services in environment, health and food safety for public bodies and private companies. Founded in 1992 following a spin-off from the CNRS to perform dioxin analyses, the group gradually completed its know-how, either through acquisitions or…

EMZ invests alongside Silverfleet Capital in the LBO of COVENTYA

EMZ arranged a bond financing and took a minority stake in the equity alongside Silverfleet Capital and over more than 150 employees of the group. Coventya is an international specialty chemicals business, headquartered in France. Coventya develops, manufactures and supplies specialty chemicals used for surface treatments; offering a wide range of products used across a broad range of industry sectors…

EMZ supports Biogroup’s LCD’s external growth strategy

EMZ has arranged a bond financing at the occasion of the acquisition of LCD laboratories by Biogroup. Biogroup LCD is a group of routine medical biology held by its funder Stéphane Eimer, biologist. The group has successfully led a growth strategy in Eastern France over the past 20 years. In November 2015, Biogroup acquired LCD. This acquisition allows the group…

The management team of Safic-Alcan gains the majority control of the company with the support of EMZ & Sagard

The management team of Safic-Alcan, together with the private equity funds EMZ and Sagard, acquired the group from Parquest Capital, holding thereby a majority control position. The management team of Safic-Alcan, together with the private equity funds EMZ and Sagard, acquired the group from Parquest Capital, holding thereby a majority control position. EMZ has been supporting Safic-Alcan's management team since…

EMZ supports LBO France in performing the primary LBO of the Chryso group

Visit website EMZ participates to the financing of the primary LBO of the Chryso Group, arranging a junior mezzanine, while taking a minority stake in the capital in the company. Chryso Group is among the seven major worldwide players of the concrete and cement admixtures niche market. The company, a former subsidiary of Materis, enjoys a strong reputation in…